1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 7, 2023

#4 in #blocked



SG4 Spec: Terp Minter Contracts

A minter must store the factory that created it, so it can query its parameters:

pub struct MinterConfig<T> {
    pub factory: Addr,
    pub collection_code_id: u64,
    pub mint_price: Coin,
    pub extension: T,

Custom minters can add more fields using extension.

A minimum, Terp minters should specify at least one Mint {} operation that takes 0 to many arguments.

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Mint {},

Provides minter status for each collection. Status is changed through on-chain governance proposals.

  • Verified: a community based signal that the creators are verified
  • Blocked: a community based signal that the collection should be blocked
  • Explicit: a community based signal that the collection has explicit content (not safe for work, pornographic, etc)
pub struct Minter {
    pub verified: bool,
    pub blocked: bool,
    pub is_explicit: bool,

previously sg4


~108K SLoC