#opengl #glfw #windowing #glad #graphics #extension


Minimal boilerplate code for OpenGL applications with glfw and glad

4 releases (2 breaking)

0.3.0 Feb 19, 2022
0.2.0 Feb 17, 2022
0.1.1 Feb 17, 2022
0.1.0 Feb 16, 2022

#19 in #glfw

22 downloads per month


13K SLoC


This is a small library that brings together glfw and glad to handle boilerplate code. The user only needs to create a Display, which initializes and terminates necessary stuff as a smart pointer. Hence, in the lifetime of the Display, OpenGL calls can be freely made without any other setup.


use glfw::WindowEvent;
use min_gl::{gl, Display, Options};

fn main() {
    // Assume this is some application state.
    let mut event_count = 0u32;

    // Just create and done!
    // All library initialization and window creation is handled.
    // They panic if an error occurs.
    let mut disp = Display::new(
        // No defaults; you cannot miss anything!
        Options {
            width: 1280,
            height: 720,
            title: "Display Test".into(),
            fullscreen: false,
            decorated: true,
            msaa: Some(16),
            vsync: true,
        // WindowEvent handling...
        |event| {
            event_count += 1; // Closure can modify state (FnMut).

            match event {
                WindowEvent::Key(k, _, a, _) => println!("Key `{:?}` is {:?}ed!", k, a),
                e => println!("Some {:?} happened!", e),

    // Of course, you can go with more complicated main loops.
    while !disp.window().should_close() {
        // All window events...

        /* ~~~~ drawing start ~~~~ */

        gl::ClearColor(0.7, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0);

        /* ~~~~ drawing end ~~~~ */


    // No clean up; thanks to idomatic glfw-rs!
    // OpenGL calls are not valid after `disp` is dropped!
    println!("In total {} window events happened!", event_count);

Glad 2 was used with the fallowing options on 16.02.2022:

  • Generator: Rust
  • APIs: gl; Version 4.6 Core
  • Extensions: All
  • Options: None

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Copyright (C) 2022 Cem Geçgel gecgelcem@outlook.com


~44K SLoC