#data #lockchain #shim #operations #layer #aes-engine


Small shim layer crate for cryptographic operations on lockchain data records

6 releases (breaking)

Uses old Rust 2015

0.8.0 Jul 12, 2018
0.7.1 Jun 13, 2018
0.7.0 May 12, 2018
0.3.0 May 10, 2018
0.1.0 May 7, 2018

#4 in #lockchain

MIT/X11 OR Apache-2.0

821 lines


Plugin-crypto for lockchain-core crate. Allows the building of secure data server that can't decrypt the data it's hosting. Works on the vault-level abstraction provided by the ecosystem.


A shim-layer crate for lockchain encryption

To get going with encrypted lockchain files, just initialise an AesEngine type and start working with encrypted types provided by some backend.


~115K SLoC