1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 25, 2019

#77 in #radio

MIT license


librtlsdr rust bindings

This crate provides bindings for librtlsdr for linkage. Following the -sys convention it does not provide at "rusty" API on top - just pure C bindings.


Add librtlsdr-sys as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

librtlsdr-sys = "0.1"

Import the librtlsdr_sys crate and use the functions as they're defined in the native librtlsdr library. See additional documentation below for more information.

Rust pre-2018

extern crate librtlsdr_sys;

Rust 2018

use librtlsdr_sys;


Since this crate does not provide anything more than what is available in librtlsdr. The best place to look for help is:


Copyright © 2019 Bo Stendal Sorensen


~45K SLoC