1 unstable release

0.0.0 Jan 25, 2022

#97 in #semantic


879 lines


Keybee is a semantic input binding library. It's currently an early proof of concept that has been extracted from a larger game project, modified, and not well tested.

Keybee is built around straightforward core primitives:

  • Session holds all state for an application
  • Action defines anything a player can do, like jump or move
  • ActionSet groups together related actions
  • Bindings assigns inputs to actions


  • winit: Enable support for winit events
  • gilrs: Enable support for gil-rs events

Getting Started

use keybee::{Session, ButtonAction, Clamped, Axis2dAction};

let session = keybee::Session::new();

let gameplay = session.create_action_set("gameplay");
let jump = gameplay.create_action::<ButtonAction>("jump");
let movement = gameplay.create_action::<Clamped<Axis2dAction>>("movement");

// Keybee will have support for deserializing bindings from files, but for now,
// this isn't quite done.
session.use_bindings(todo!("load bindings from somewhere"));

loop {
    // With the `winit` feature enabled:
    // session.handle_winit_event::<()>(todo!("pass winit events"));

    // With the `gilrs` feature enabled:
    // session.handle_gilrs_event(todo!("pass gil-rs events"));

    if jump.get() {
        println!("Player jumped!");

    let translate = movement.get();
    if translate != (0.0, 0.0) {
        println!("Player movement vector: {:?}", translate);

    // At the end of every game tick, run `end_update` to reset relative axis
    // movements and button presses.

Future Improvements

  • Support for multiple players
  • Other backends: SDL, others


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~84K SLoC