2 releases

0.1.1 Jun 14, 2020
0.1.0 Jun 13, 2020

#23 in #organize

36 downloads per month


541 lines


Jago is an easy way to play around with web development.

To use Jago, you must install the rust programming language on your computer and use it to build Jago on your own. A goal of Jago is to provide you with the ability to build whatever else it is you need into your workflow.

Lucky for us, the rust community has made it really easy to get started (instructions). You might have to run source $HOME/.cargo/env to configure your current shell.

Once you have rust installed, clone this repository and navigate into it's root directory.

Now, we use a tool from rust's toolchain to build and install Jago.

cargo install --path .

Run jago check to see if everything was installed correctly. If you don't see an error, you are all ready to go. Run the following command.

jago studio serve

Now you can view any markdown file inside of public repositories on GitHub or GitLab. For example, open http://localhost:4242/github.com/ijsnow/jago in your browser.


~733K SLoC