InfluxDB is used at run time in 26 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 20 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers InfluxDB version Downloads/month
11 0.7.2 6.5K
1 0.6.0 700
6 0.5.2 600
1 0.4.0 25
4 0.3.0 100
1 0.2.0 0
2 0.1.0 60
1 0.0.6 1
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) InfluxDB version
2.3K 3 influxive-writer ^0.7
210 zenoh-backend-influxdb-v1 ^0.7.1
testground ^0.5
influxdb-dispatcher ^0.5
metriki-influxdb-reporter ^0.5.2
antikoerper ^0.6
hvac_iot ^0.7.1
ckb-analyzer ^0.3.0
1 xaynet-server ^0.3.0
ingics ^0.7.0
duplicati-collector ^0.2
pyrinas-server ^0.4
influx-feed ^0.1.0
github-analytics ^0.5.2
qadata-rs ^0.3.0
1 influxdb-config ^0.7.2
r2d2-influxdb ^0.0.6
zenoh-backend-influxdb ^0.5.2
180 1 splinter optional ^0.5
xain-fl optional ^0.1.0