Cargo Features

identity_storage = { version = "1.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["memstore", "send-sync-storage", "iota-document", "jpt-bbs-plus"] }
default = iota-document, memstore

These default features are set whenever identity_storage is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

memstore default

Exposes in-memory implementations of the storage traits intended exclusively for testing.

Enables iota-crypto, rand, and tokio


Enables Send + Sync bounds for the storage traits.

iota-document default

Implements the JwkStorageDocumentExt trait for IotaDocument

Enables identity_iota_core


Enables JSON Proof Token & BBS+ related features

Enables json-proof-token and zkryptium, jpt-bbs-plus of identity_credential

Affects key_storage::bls