Cargo Features

icu_properties = { version = "1.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "serde", "datagen", "bidi", "compiled_data"] }
default = compiled_data

The compiled_data feature is set by default whenever icu_properties is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables std of icu_collections and icu_provider

serde datagen?

Enables serde, serde of tinystr and zerovec and serde of icu_collections and icu_provider


Enable BufferProvider and other deserialization infrastructure

datagen = serde

Enables databake, databake of icu_collections, tinystr, and zerovec


Enables unicode-bidi

Affects icu_properties::bidi

compiled_data default

Enables icu_locid_transform and icu_properties_data

Affects bidi_data::bidi_auxiliary_properties, provider::Baked, script::script_with_extensions, sets::for_general_category_group, sets::load_for_ecma262