Cargo Features

hyprland = { version = "0.4.0-alpha.2", default-features = false, features = ["async-lite", "async-std", "tokio", "dispatch", "data", "ctl", "keyword", "config", "listener", "silent", "parking_lot", "ahash", "unsafe-impl"] }
default = ahash, config, ctl, data, dispatch, keyword, listener, tokio

These default features are set whenever hyprland is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables async-net and futures-lite


Enables async-std and futures-lite

tokio default

Enables tokio

dispatch default config listener

Affects hyprland::dispatch

data default listener

Affects hyprland::data

ctl default

Affects hyprland::ctl

keyword default config

Affects hyprland::keyword

config default = dispatch, keyword

Affects hyprland::config

listener default = data, dispatch

Affects hyprland::event_listener, unsafe_impl::listeners


Enables parking_lot, parking_lot of optional tokio and parking_lot of once_cell


Uses parking_lot to implement once_cell::sync::OnceCell.
This makes no speed difference, but makes each OnceCell<T>
up to 16 bytes smaller, depending on the size of the T.

ahash default

Enables ahash


Affects hyprland::unsafe_impl