#lib #dylib #compile #crates #hotload #cargo-toml #filetime


A library for watching, dynamically compiling, and hot-loading Rust libraries

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 15, 2021

#9 in #filetime


373 lines

hotlib Actions Status Crates.io Crates.io docs.rs

A library for watching, dynamically compiling, and hot-loading Rust libraries.

Try running:

cargo run --example demo

And while the demo is running, try editing the test_crate/src/lib.rs file. Each time you write your changes to disk, the demo should automatically detect the change, return the package, build the package and then load the corresponding dynamic library.


For watching and loading a Rust library in Rust.

You are likely looking for the watch function docs.


~115K SLoC