#amateur-radio #ham-radio #frequency #band #checking #belongs #band-allocation


HamBands is a small Rust library for checking which amateur radio band a frequency belongs to

4 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 Dec 16, 2022
0.1.2 Feb 1, 2021
0.1.1 Jan 31, 2021
0.1.0 Jan 31, 2021

#5 in #band

40 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates

Custom license

247 lines


Crates.io Documentation Build

HamBands is a small Rust library for checking which amateur radio band a frequency belongs to.


From Crates.io

cargo install hambands

From Source

git clone https://github.com/ewpratten/hambands
cd hambands
cargo install --path .


If you are interested in adding support for more amateur (or broadcast) radio bands, check out src/band/mod.rs. This file should be fairly self-explanatory. All entries are automatically validated at unit test time by cargo.

No runtime deps