Cargo Features

grapple-frc-msgs = { version = "2024.4.2", default-features = false, features = ["std", "serde", "schema", "pyo3", "lasercan_nop_patch", "ni", "grapple_lasercan", "grapple_mitocandria", "grapple_flexican"] }
default = grapple_flexican, grapple_lasercan, grapple_mitocandria, ni, schema, serde, std

These default features are set whenever grapple-frc-msgs is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std of anyhow and binmarshal

serde default

Enables serde, serde of binmarshal, serde of smallvec

schema default

Enables schemars, schema of binmarshal


Enables pyo3 ^0.19.0


Enables lasercan_nop_patch of binmarshal

ni default

Affects grapple-frc-msgs::ni

grapple_lasercan default

Affects grapple::lasercan

grapple_mitocandria default

Affects grapple::mitocandria

grapple_flexican default

Affects grapple::flexican