Cargo Features

gotham_restful = { version = "0.9.0", default-features = false, features = ["full", "auth", "cors", "database", "errorlog", "without-openapi", "openapi"] }
default = cors, errorlog, without-openapi

These default features are set whenever gotham_restful is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full = auth, cors, database, errorlog, openapi
auth full?

Enables jsonwebtoken, auth of gotham_restful_derive and base64

non-feature optional dependencies

Affects gotham_restful::private.clone_from_state

cors default full?

Affects gotham_restful::cors

database full?

Enables gotham_middleware_diesel, database of gotham_restful_derive

errorlog default full?
without-openapi default

These features are exclusive -

openapi full?

Enables base64, gotham_restful_redoc, lazy-regex, openapi_type, parking_lot, and sha2, openapi of gotham_restful_derive

Affects gotham_restful::private.CustomSchema, gotham_restful::private.CustomStatusCodes, response::ResponseSchema, response::IntoResponseWithSchema, result::IntoResponseError.status_codes, result::IntoResponseError.schema, routing::WithOpenapi, types::ResourceType