#telescope #astronomy #control-system #primary #mirror #actuators #magellan


Giant Magellan Telescope primary mirror control system

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Feb 1, 2023

#5 in #actuators

29 downloads per month
Used in gmt_m1-ctrl

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

C 1K SLoC // 0.1% comments Rust 275 SLoC

Giant Magellan Telescope primary mirror control system

This repository provides Rust code for the GMT primary mirror (M1) controller model for end-to-end simulations.

The transfer function of the support actuator (SA) feedback controller and those representing the closed-loop dynamics of the hardpoint (HP) motions are compiled from high-level (Matlab/Simulink) model files. Those files are available in the m1-simulink-models folder.

The model has some structural model-dependent parameters. The folder calib_dt has a data file with those parameters computed assuming the model 20220610_1023_MT_mount_zen_30_m1HFN_FSM_.


M1 segment actuators controller


~240K SLoC