Cargo Features

fvm_shared has no features set by default.

fvm_shared = { version = "4.2.0", features = ["crypto", "proofs", "secp256k1", "blst", "pairing", "arb", "testing"] }
crypto = blst, libsecp256k1, proofs

Affects signature::verify, signature::ops

proofs crypto? = filecoin-proofs-api

Affects piece::zero

secp256k1 = libsecp256k1
blst crypto?

Enables blst of bls-signatures


Enables pairing of bls-signatures

arb = arbitrary

Enables quickcheck, arb of cid ^0.10.1, quickcheck of num-bigint


Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

filecoin-proofs-api proofs?

Enables filecoin-proofs-api ^16

non-wasm dependencies; these dependencies and the respective code is only activated through non-default features, which the Kernel enables, but not the actors.

libsecp256k1 crypto? secp256k1?
bls-signatures blst? pairing?
arbitrary arb?