Cargo Features

flytrap = { version = "0.2.1", default-features = false, features = ["api", "dns", "detect", "environment", "http", "nightly", "regions", "serde", "system-resolver"] }
default = detect, dns, environment, http, regions

These default features are set whenever flytrap is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

api = serde

Enables reqwest

Affects flytrap::api

dns default system-resolver?

Enables futures and hickory-resolver

detect default

Enables if-addrs

Affects placement::private_address

environment default

Affects placement::hosted, placement::public_address, placement::private_address

http default

Enables headers and http

Affects flytrap::http


Enables nightly of optional headers and unstable of optional futures


Unstable features These features are outside of the normal semver guarantees and require the unstable feature as an explicit opt-in to unstable API.

regions default

Enables enum-map, geo-types, lazy_static, and noisy_float

serde api?

Enables serde, serde of optional enum-map, optional geo-types, and optional noisy_float

system-resolver = dns

Enables ipconfig, resolv-conf and system-config of hickory-resolver