2 stable releases

2.0.0 May 5, 2023
1.0.0 Apr 4, 2023

#42 in #filecoin-actors

39 downloads per month


5.5K SLoC

State-only versions of the Filecoin Actors (smart-contracts)

GitHub Workflow Status

These crates may be used to inspect and validate the internal state of Filecoin Actors.

For the smart-contracts, see: https://github.com/filecoin-project/builtin-actors
NOTE: The code in actors/ and fil_actors_shared/ is copy-pasted from the above repository. Therefore, it's advised to avoid refactoring such code in order to facilitate a smoother version upgrade process and potentially automate it. fil_actor_interface/ can be modified according to project's needs.


~107K SLoC