1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 1, 2021

#6 in #client-instance


830 lines

Embedded Redis Client


EmbeddedRedisClient automatically runs a redis-server instance during the life of the client application. Using EmbeddedRedisClient, multiple client instances can communicate with the redis-server instance in parallel.

If another redis server instance is already running on the configured port, then EmbeddedRedisClient connects to this already running server instead.

Unit tests

The unit tests of this crate expect the presence a redis-server binary and redis.conf file in the following locations relative to the crate root: ../database/redis/redis/redis-server ../database/redis/configuration/redis.conf

The unit tests try to connect to the redis server on redis' default port localhost/6379


Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and macOS 11.2.


Simultaneous starting of multiple EmbeddedRedisClient instances may fail.


~310K SLoC