Cargo Features

embedded-test = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false, features = ["panic-handler", "defmt", "log", "init-rtt", "init-log", "embassy", "external-executor", "xtensa-semihosting"] }
default = panic-handler

The panic-handler feature is set by default whenever embedded-test is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

panic-handler default

defines a panic-handler which will invoke semihosting::process::abort() on panic


prints testcase exit result to defmt

Enables defmt

Affects embedded-test::TestOutcome


prints testcase exit result to log

Enables log

Affects embedded-test::TestOutcome


calls rtt_target::rtt_init_print!() before starting any tests

Enables rtt-target

Optional dependencies


calls rtt_log::init(); before starting any tests

Enables rtt-log


Enables async test and init functions using embassy-executor. Note: You need to enable at least one executor feature on embassy unless you are using the external-executor feature

Enables embassy-executor, embassy of embedded-test-macros


you will use your own executor by setting it via the tasks macro, e.g. #[embedded_test::tests(executor = esp_hal::embassy::executor::thread::Executor::new())]

Enables external-executor of embedded-test-macros


enables the xtensa-specific semihosting implementation

Enables openocd-semihosting of semihosting