#nu #applications #engine #embed #script #call #wrapper


Embed the nu engine in your rust application

28 releases

0.9.1 Mar 2, 2024
0.8.0 May 22, 2023
0.5.6 Mar 27, 2023
0.4.0 Dec 14, 2022
0.3.5 Nov 14, 2022

#11 in #nu

Download history 8/week @ 2024-02-15 38/week @ 2024-02-22 319/week @ 2024-02-29 36/week @ 2024-03-07 37/week @ 2024-03-14 77/week @ 2024-03-28 78/week @ 2024-04-04

624 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates (via sloppy-core)

Apache-2.0 and maybe CC-PDDC



embed-nu can be used to call nu scripts and expressions from within your rust application. This crate provides a wrapper around the nu engine to easily build the nu execution context, parse scripts and call functions. As this crate includes nu as a dependency calls to nu don't have the overhead of calling an external application.

Example Usage

use embed_nu::{rusty_value::*, CommandGroupConfig, Context, NewEmpty, PipelineData};

fn main() {
  let mut ctx = Context::builder()

  // eval a nu expression
  let pipeline = ctx
          r#"echo "Hello World from this eval""#,

  // print the pipeline of this expression. In this case
  // this pipeline contains the text of the echo expression
  // as it's the last expressin 

  // this eval put's the function definition of hello into scope 
      def hello [] {
          echo "Hello World from this script";
          echo # dummy echo so I don't have to print the output

  // hello can now be called as a function
  ctx.call_fn("hello", [] as [String; 0]).unwrap();

Converting data into nu values

This crate uses rusty-value to convert any rust data type into nu values.

use embed_nu::{rusty_value::*, IntoValue};

// derive rusty value
struct MyStruct {
    foo: String,
    bar: usize,

fn main() {
  let instance = MyStruct {
    foo: String::from("foo"),
    bar: 12
  // convert this struct into a nu value
  // this is also done implicitly when passing the value to the nu context
  // as function arguments or variables
  let value = instance.into_value();


~1.5M SLoC