Cargo Features

egui_commonmark = { version = "0.16.1", default-features = false, features = ["macros", "nightly", "dump-macro", "pulldown_cmark", "comrak", "better_syntax_highlighting", "load-images", "svg", "fetch", "document-features"] }
default = load-images, pulldown_cmark

These default features are set whenever egui_commonmark is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

macros nightly?

Enable proc macros for compile time generation of egui widgets from markdown For simplicity it only supports pulldown-cmark

Enables egui_commonmark_macros and pulldown-cmark ^0.10


Tests won't build otherswise

nightly = macros

Builds upon the macros feature. Enables tracking of markdown files to recompile when their content changes. Uses nightly features

Enables nightly of egui_commonmark_macros


For internal debugging use only!

Enables dump-macro of egui_commonmark_macros

pulldown_cmark default

Enables pulldown-cmark ^0.10, pulldown-cmark of egui_commonmark_backend

Affects parsers::pulldown


Enables comrak ^0.22.0

Affects parsers::comrak


Syntax highlighting for code blocks using syntect

Enables better_syntax_highlighting of egui_commonmark_backend

load-images default

Enable loading of images. Make sure to also opt in to what image format you need through the image crate.

Enables file and image of egui_extras


Support loading svg images

Enables svg of egui_extras


Images with urls will be downloaded and displayed

Enables http of egui_extras

Features from optional dependencies

document-features implicit feature

Enables document-features


Extract documentation for the feature flags from comments in Cargo.toml