Cargo Features

edge-executor = { version = "0.4.1", default-features = false, features = ["std", "critical-section", "portable-atomic", "unbounded"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever edge-executor is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std of futures-lite ^1 and once_cell


Enables once_cell::sync module.


Enables critical-section of once_cell and optional portable-atomic


Uses critical-section to implement sync and race modules. in #![no_std] mode. Please read critical-section docs carefully before enabling this feature.

portable-atomic = heapless, portable-atomic-util

Enables portable-atomic and portable-atomic of async-task, atomic-waker, and optional heapless


Enable polyfilling of atomics via portable-atomic. portable-atomic polyfills some functionality by default, but to get full atomics you must enable one of its features to tell it how to do it. See portable-atomic documentation for details.


Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

heapless portable-atomic?
portable-atomic-util portable-atomic?

Enables portable-atomic-util ^0.1