ECB is used at run time in 50 crates (of which 11 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates.

Number of dependers ECB version Downloads/month
47 0.1.2 13K
3 0.1.1 1.6K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ECB version
4.7K 8 deno_node =0.1.2
12K 58 sequoia-openpgp optional ^0.1
500 7 buttplug ^0.1.2
370 office-crypto ^0.1.1
330 1 novel-api ^0.1.2
290 wz_reader ^0.1.2
150 2 ncm_core ^0.1.2
rust-async-tuyapi ^0.1.1
minidisc ^0.1
ncmapi2 ^0.1.2
stlink-tool-rs ^0.1.1
translation_api ^0.1.1
2 ppaass-crypto ^0.1
emrtd ^0.1.2
420 tardis optional ^0.1