#amethyst #magica-voxel #voxel #gamedev #game


A Rust library for importing and rendering MagicaVoxel .vox files in Amethyst.rs

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Aug 16, 2018

#8 in #magica-voxel

24 downloads per month

MIT license

557 lines


Rust library for loading MagicaVoxel .vox files into the Amethyst game engine.

Current status

Able to load the first model contained within the file, and render it using a flat renderer with absolutely no shading.


Kindly hosted over at https://docs.rs/dot_vox_amethyst/.

Not yet implemented

  • Simple lighting
  • Shadows
  • Physical rendering using material data


As a maintainer, its always nice to get bug reports and (even better) pull requests. Thanks will follow for any submitted issue or PR.

See also

  • dot_vox - crate for loading .vox files using nom.


~377K SLoC