#orm #sql


Diesel support for PostGIS geography types and functions

2 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Nov 24, 2018
0.1.0 Nov 24, 2018

#224 in #orm

Download history 8/week @ 2024-02-19 5/week @ 2024-02-26 12/week @ 2024-03-11 42/week @ 2024-04-01

54 downloads per month
Used in birdseed


53 lines

diesel-geography   Build Status Latest Version [docs]

Diesel support for PostGIS geography types and functions

How to use it:

In your sql schema, you have a column location geography(point, 4326) not null. When Diesel generates the schema (using table! {}) this column will look like location -> Geography. To ensure that the Geography type is in scope, read this guide and add use diesel_geography::sql_types::* to the import_types key in your diesel.toml file.

E.g. it will look like this:

file = "src/schema.rs"

import_types = ["diesel::sql_types::*", "diesel_geography::sql_types::*"]

In your ORM struct, write location: GeogPoint. Now you can use this struct / table in your diesel queries.


~262K SLoC