1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 17, 2021

#27 in #safely

Download history 3/week @ 2024-02-05 2/week @ 2024-02-12 19/week @ 2024-02-19 23/week @ 2024-02-26 13/week @ 2024-03-04 15/week @ 2024-03-11 21/week @ 2024-03-18 25/week @ 2024-03-25 49/week @ 2024-04-01 14/week @ 2024-04-08 16/week @ 2024-04-15

105 downloads per month
Used in 5 crates (3 directly)

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

360 lines


Safely borrow strings without a lifetime.



Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


A crate for borrowing strings without a lifetime.


use detached_str::{Str, StrSlice};

let string: Str = "Hello, world!".into();
let slice: StrSlice = string.get(7..);
assert_eq!(slice.to_str(&string), "world!");

A StrSlice is "detached", i.e. the string content can only be accessed when you have a reference to the owned string. The owned string is immutable to ensure that string slices remain valid.

No runtime deps