Cargo Features

deno_ast has no features set by default.

deno_ast = { version = "0.39.1", features = ["bundler", "cjs", "codegen", "compat", "dep_analysis", "proposal", "react", "scopes", "sourcemap", "transforms", "emit", "transpiling", "typescript", "utils", "view", "visit"] }
bundler = swc_bundler, swc_ecma_transforms_optimization, swc_graph_analyzer
cjs = utils, visit
codegen emit? = swc_ecma_codegen, swc_ecma_codegen_macros, swc_macros_common
compat = swc_config, swc_config_macro, swc_ecma_transforms_compat, swc_trace_macro, transforms
dep_analysis = visit

Affects deno_ast::dep

proposal transpiling? = swc_ecma_transforms_classes, swc_ecma_transforms_macros, swc_ecma_transforms_proposal, swc_macros_common, transforms
react transpiling? = swc_config, swc_config_macro, swc_ecma_transforms_macros, swc_ecma_transforms_react, swc_macros_common, transforms
scopes = utils, view, visit
sourcemap emit?

Enables sourcemap of dprint-swc-ext

transforms compat? proposal? react? transpiling? typescript? = swc_ecma_loader, swc_ecma_transforms_base

Affects deno_ast::swc.transforms

emit transpiling? = anyhow, base64, codegen, sourcemap
transpiling = emit, proposal, react, transforms, typescript, utils, visit
typescript transpiling? = swc_ecma_transforms_typescript, transforms
utils cjs? scopes? transpiling? = swc_ecma_utils
view scopes?

Enables view of dprint-swc-ext

visit cjs? dep_analysis? scopes? transpiling? = swc_ecma_visit, swc_macros_common, swc_visit, swc_visit_macros

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

anyhow emit?
base64 emit?

Enables base64 ^0.21.6

swc_config compat? react?

Enables swc_config =0.1.13

swc_config_macro compat? react?
swc_ecma_codegen codegen?

Enables swc_ecma_codegen =0.149.1

swc_ecma_codegen_macros codegen?
swc_ecma_loader transforms?
swc_ecma_transforms_base transforms?

Enables swc_ecma_transforms_base =0.138.2

swc_ecma_transforms_classes proposal?
swc_ecma_transforms_compat compat?
swc_ecma_transforms_macros proposal? react?
swc_ecma_transforms_optimization bundler?

Enables swc_ecma_transforms_optimization =0.199.1

swc_ecma_transforms_proposal proposal?
swc_ecma_transforms_react react?
swc_ecma_transforms_typescript typescript?
swc_ecma_utils utils?

Enables swc_ecma_utils =0.128.1

swc_ecma_visit visit?
swc_bundler bundler?

Enables swc_bundler =0.227.0

swc_graph_analyzer bundler?
swc_macros_common codegen? proposal? react? visit?
swc_trace_macro compat?
swc_visit visit?
swc_visit_macros visit?