#distributed #crdt #async #tokio #database

yanked datacake-cluster

Eventually consistent state replication as a library (consensus, RPC and conflict resolution) for building your own eventually consistent databases

0.1.0 Dec 6, 2022
0.0.1 Oct 1, 2022

#86 in #crdt

Used in datacake-rocks

MIT license

7.5K SLoC

Datacake Cluster

A batteries included library for building your own distributed data stores or replicated state.

This library is largely based on the same concepts as Riak and Cassandra. Consensus, membership and failure detection are managed by Quickwit's Chitchat while state alignment and replication is managed by Datacake CRDT.

RPC is provided and managed entirely within Datacake using Tonic and GRPC.

This library is focused around providing a simple and easy to build framework for your distributed apps without being overwhelming. In fact, you can be up and running just by implementing 2 async traits.


Indepth examples can be found here.


~280K SLoC