#image-resizing #resize #seam #energy #pixel #binary #carving

app content-aware-resizing

Binary crate for resizing an image using seam carving

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 31, 2022

#29 in #energy

MIT license

162 lines

Seam carving

This project calculates the seam with the lowest energy. A seam is like a path of pixels. The lowest energy means that the seam does not contain a lot of information and can be safely removed. If you do this iteratively you are resizing the image in a content-aware way. The idea is illustrated in the following example.

Running the project

Clone the project and run

cargo install --path ./

This will install it in to the /.cargo/bin folder. If you export this path to the terminal. You will be able to ru n

contenet-aware-resizing -i <input-path-image> -o <output-path-image> -n <number-of-times-you-want-to-crop>


~233K SLoC