#enums #macro-derive #const #repr #traits #procedural #u8

macro no-std const-enum

Procedural derive macro for constant From trait implementations on enums based on repr type

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 28, 2021

#30 in #repr

Used in const-bitfield


91 lines


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This crate providers a procedural derive macro ConstEnum, which will provide a const implementation of the From trait for converting an enum based on their repr type.

Unfortunately Rust Stable does not currently contain all required features for implementing this crate. To use of this library, you must use a recent Rust Nightly release and add the following feature flags to your crate root:

#![feature(const_trait_impl)]   // always required

Here is a simple example of how this library can be used:


use const_enum::ConstEnum;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ConstEnum)]
enum Test {
    A = 0b010,
    B = 0b100,
    C = 0b001

pub fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", Test::from(0b010 as u8));
    println!("{:?}", u8::from(Test::A));


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