#proc-macro #configuration

yanked config-proc

Proc-macros for config file handling

0.1.0 Oct 21, 2022

#583 in #config

0BSD license

338 lines


A convenience crate for handling configuration files through procedural macros.

This crate generates save/load functions for the types which are annotated with the proc-macros. Defaults to the XDG Base Directory Specification.

Development Status

The crate is currently in a very early phase and is only published to enable dogfooding. Use at your own risk!

Documentation, tests and functionality is currently still a work-in-progress. Not everything works as expected and documentation may be either out-of-date or just flat-out wrong. Everything may change!


Currently, this crate will not behave properly on any non-UNIX system. So, do NOT use the defaults on a Windows system as the assumptions on directory structuring done internally will be completely wrong.

Whether or not this crate will have Windows support in the future is not determined as of this writing.


Licensed under 0BSD. See LICENSE file.


~61K SLoC