#synchronization #p2p #sync #file

bin+lib ciruela

A peer-to-peer synchronization software for servers in datacenters

54 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.6.12 Oct 24, 2018
0.6.11 Jul 24, 2018
0.6.9 Jun 19, 2018
0.5.17 Mar 28, 2018
0.1.7 Jul 27, 2017

#49 in #synchronization


13K SLoC


Docs | API Docs | Examples | Github | Crate

A peer-to-peer synchronization software for servers in datacenters.

Look and Feel

Upload a folder from your local machine to a cluster::

> ciruela sync mycluster.example.com --append myapp:/apps/myapp/v1.1.2
Done. Indexed 1333 dirs, 11306 files, 2517 symlinks.
Connected to mycluster.example.com. It has 127 peers.
Sending index...
Signature is okay. Virtual dir /apps/myapp accepted by 78 peers.
Uploaded 143 files (90% blocks reused), to 3 peers.
It's safe to disconnect now. Switching to monitor mode...
Done. Synced to 78 peers.


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~483K SLoC