#hash #cdragon #bin #wad #riot #legends #league


Work with hashes used by Riot, and reversed by CDragon

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Jan 7, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 16, 2023

#3 in #cdragon

Used in 4 crates


371 lines

CDragon library for hashes

Library to work with hashes used by League of Legends.

  • Hashes of paths from WAD files
  • Hashes used in BIN files

This library also handles files with reversed hashes provided by CDragon.


Tools to work with hashes, as used by cdragon

Actual hash values are created with [crate::define_hash_type!()], which implements [HashDef] and conversions.

[HashMapper] manages a mapping to retrieve a string from a hash value. The type provides methods to load mapping files, check for known hashes, etc. update mapping files, etc.


~22K SLoC