#cargo-build #output #parser #depend #information


A crate for parsing Cargo's --build-plan output

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 May 14, 2018
0.1.0 May 13, 2018

#51 in #depend

27 downloads per month

CC0 license

99 lines

Parser for Cargo's --build-plan output

crates.io docs.rs Build Status

Using cargo build --build-plan outputs a JSON document with information about how to compile the crate and its dependencies. The build-plan crate provides a simple way to parse it back into structures without having to depend on the entirety of Cargo.

Cargo's --build-plan functionality is currently unstable, so this only works on nightly Rust for now. Actually, at the time of writing, you even have to build Cargo from source for this!


Add the dependency to your Cargo.toml:

build-plan = "0.1.1"

Add the crate to your Rust code and import the BuildPlan type:

extern crate build_plan;
use build_plan::BuildPlan;

Now you can call BuildPlan::from_cargo_output(<raw build plan>) to parse a JSON build plan.

For more info, check the documentation linked above.


~36K SLoC