Cargo Features

broxus-util = { version = "0.2.7", default-features = false, features = ["alloc", "argh", "serde", "config", "log4rs", "web", "alloc-profiling", "public-ip", "signal", "metrics"] }
default = config, log4rs, serde

These default features are set whenever broxus-util is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

alloc alloc-profiling?

Enables errno, log, tikv-jemalloc-sys, and tikv-jemallocator

Affects broxus-util::alloc


Enables argh

serde default

Enables base64 ^0.13, hex, and serde

config default

Enables config ^0.13.2, regex, serde, and thiserror

log4rs default

Enables log, log4rs, serde_yaml, and thiserror


Enables js-sys and wasm-bindgen

Affects time::now, time::now_sec_u64, time::now_ms_f64, time::now_ms_u64

alloc-profiling = alloc

Enables log, thiserror, and tikv-jemalloc-ctl, profiling of optional tikv-jemalloc-sys and optional tikv-jemallocator

Affects alloc::profiling


Enables public-ip and thiserror


Enables futures-util, libc, and tokio


Enables metrics ^0.22.0, time of tokio

Affects alloc::profiling.set_metrics, alloc::profiling.allocator_metrics_loop