1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 May 17, 2024

#2051 in Network programming

Download history 108/week @ 2024-05-16

108 downloads per month

MIT license

197 lines


Crate Documentation

An asynchronous client library for the Bonfire API. For now, there is only an interface to communicate with the server.


Creating a session to send a simple request to the real server and print the response.

use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
use bonfire::Session;
use bonfire::session::{Result, RequestKind, SecureConnector};

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
	let addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(116, 202, 162, 215)), 443);
	let host = "cf2.bonfire.moe";
	let connector = SecureConnector::new(host, addr);
	let object = json::object!{ J_REQUEST_NAME: "RProjectVersionGet" };

	let mut session = Session::builder()
	let response = session.request("/", object).await?;
	println!("{}", response);



~198K SLoC