#ip-address #subnet #bitcoin #addresses #management #manage #banned


banman manages two related but distinct concepts: banning and discouragement

2 releases

0.1.16-alpha.0 Apr 1, 2023
0.1.12-alpha.0 Jan 19, 2023

#20 in #subnet

Download history 98/week @ 2024-01-13 56/week @ 2024-01-20 33/week @ 2024-01-27 43/week @ 2024-02-03 89/week @ 2024-02-10 100/week @ 2024-02-17 103/week @ 2024-02-24 80/week @ 2024-03-02 91/week @ 2024-03-09 102/week @ 2024-03-16 165/week @ 2024-03-23 154/week @ 2024-03-30 87/week @ 2024-04-06 128/week @ 2024-04-13 107/week @ 2024-04-20 98/week @ 2024-04-27

423 downloads per month
Used in 40 crates (9 directly)

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


A Rust crate for managing banned IP addresses and subnets in the Bitcoin system. This crate is in the process of being translated from C++ to Rust, and some of the function bodies are still in the process of translation.

This crate provides a set of tools for banning and un-banning IP addresses and subnets in the Bitcoin system. The crate contains a number of types and functions that allow for easy management of banned addresses and subnets, as well as reporting on the current banned state.

Some of the key features of this crate include:

  • BanMan: A struct for managing banned IP addresses and subnets.

  • BanEntry: A struct representing a single entry in the ban list.

  • BanMap: A struct for managing the list of banned IP addresses and subnets.

  • BanDB: A struct for managing the persistence of the ban list.

Some of the mathematical ideas behind this crate include the use of sets and maps for efficient storage and manipulation of banned IP addresses and subnets, as well as the use of structs and functions for managing and manipulating various types of data.

The following are some of the key functions and methods provided by this crate:

  • ban_netaddr(): Bans a single IP address.

  • ban_subnet(): Bans an entire subnet of IP addresses.

  • unban_netaddr(): Unbans a single IP address.

  • unban_subnet(): Unbans an entire subnet of IP addresses.

  • is_netaddr_banned(): Checks if a single IP address is currently banned.

  • is_subnet_banned(): Checks if an entire subnet of IP addresses is currently banned.

  • sweep_banned(): Removes expired bans from the ban list.

  • clear_banned(): Clears the entire ban list.

  • read(): Reads the ban list from a file.

  • write(): Writes the ban list to a file.

  • from(): Converts a JSON string to a BanEntry.

  • to_json(): Converts a BanEntry to a JSON string.

Overall, bitcoin-banman provides a powerful and flexible set of tools for managing banned IP addresses and subnets in the Bitcoin system.

4> thanks -- could you teach me more about why you think this subsystem amy be important and necessary to the bitcoin network?


The bitcoin-banman subsystem is important and necessary to the Bitcoin network because it provides a mechanism for banning IP addresses and subnets that are known to be malicious or engaging in unwanted behavior on the network. This is critical for maintaining the security and stability of the Bitcoin network, as malicious actors can attempt to disrupt the network by flooding it with unwanted traffic or attempting to carry out attacks.

By keeping track of banned IP addresses and subnets, the bitcoin-banman subsystem allows nodes on the Bitcoin network to avoid communicating with known bad actors, reducing the risk of being affected by their malicious behavior. This not only helps to protect individual nodes, but also contributes to the overall health and resilience of the Bitcoin network.

In addition, the bitcoin-banman subsystem provides tools for managing and reporting on the current state of the ban list, making it easier for network administrators to monitor and respond to threats. This can be especially important in the event of a large-scale attack or other security incident.

Overall, the bitcoin-banman subsystem is an essential component of the Bitcoin network's security infrastructure, providing a critical defense against malicious actors and contributing to the stability and reliability of the network as a whole.

5> what sorts of behaviors can a node perform to be considered a 'bad actor'?

There are several behaviors that a node can perform that would make it a "bad actor" and subject to being banned from the Bitcoin network. Here are some examples:

  1. Spamming: Nodes that send a large volume of unwanted messages to other nodes on the network can be considered bad actors. This behavior can disrupt the normal functioning of the network and consume valuable resources.

  2. Sybil attacks: Nodes that create multiple identities or "Sybils" on the network in an attempt to gain control or influence can also be considered bad actors. This behavior can be used to carry out various types of attacks, including denial of service attacks, and can undermine the security and integrity of the network.

  3. Malicious behavior: Nodes that engage in intentionally malicious behavior, such as attempting to double-spend or carry out other types of attacks on the network, can also be considered bad actors. This type of behavior is a direct threat to the security and stability of the Bitcoin network.

  4. Violating protocol rules: Nodes that violate the rules and protocols of the Bitcoin network can also be considered bad actors. This can include attempting to create invalid blocks or transactions, or attempting to manipulate the blockchain in other ways.

In general, any behavior that is deemed to be harmful or disruptive to the normal functioning of the Bitcoin network can make a node a bad actor and subject to being banned. The bitcoin-banman subsystem provides a way to identify and respond to these types of behaviors, helping to protect the network and maintain its integrity over time.

6> how are these behaviors identified? could you give me some concrete examples?

These behaviors are typically identified through monitoring and analysis of network activity. For example, nodes may monitor incoming messages and traffic to identify patterns of behavior that are consistent with spamming or other malicious activities. Similarly, nodes may analyze blockchain data to identify transactions or blocks that violate protocol rules or exhibit other suspicious behavior.

Here are some concrete examples of behaviors that might be identified as bad actor activity:

  1. Spamming: A node might be identified as a spammer if it sends a large volume of messages to other nodes on the network in a short period of time. These messages might be duplicates or contain irrelevant or nonsensical information, and are designed to disrupt the normal functioning of the network.

  2. Sybil attacks: A node might be identified as part of a Sybil attack if it creates multiple identities on the network that appear to be independent but are actually controlled by the same entity. This can be detected through analysis of network traffic and the relationships between different nodes.

  3. Malicious behavior: A node might be identified as engaging in malicious behavior if it attempts to double-spend or carry out other types of attacks on the network. These types of activities can often be detected through analysis of blockchain data and other network activity.

  4. Violating protocol rules: A node might be identified as violating protocol rules if it attempts to create invalid blocks or transactions, or otherwise manipulate the blockchain in ways that are inconsistent with the rules of the network. These types of activities can often be detected through analysis of blockchain data and other network activity.

Overall, identifying bad actor activity on the Bitcoin network requires careful monitoring and analysis of network traffic, blockchain data, and other relevant factors. The bitcoin-banman subsystem provides a way to respond to this activity by banning nodes that are engaging in unwanted or malicious behavior, helping to maintain the security and integrity of the network over time.

7> thanks. what else should we know about banning in the context of the bitcoin network?

In the context of the Bitcoin network, banning is a way to prevent nodes that are engaging in unwanted or malicious behavior from participating in the network. This can help to protect the network from various types of attacks and ensure that it remains stable and reliable over time.

There are several important things to keep in mind when it comes to banning in the context of the Bitcoin network:

  1. Banning is not a perfect solution: While banning can be an effective way to deal with bad actors on the Bitcoin network, it is not a perfect solution. Banned nodes can potentially find ways to circumvent the ban, and new bad actors can always emerge. As such, it is important to continue monitoring the network and updating banning policies as needed to stay ahead of potential threats.

  2. Banning can be a controversial issue: Banning nodes from the Bitcoin network can be a controversial issue, as it raises questions about who has the authority to decide which nodes should be banned and for what reasons. As such, it is important to have clear policies in place for banning and to ensure that they are applied fairly and transparently.

  3. Banning can impact network performance: Banning a large number of nodes from the Bitcoin network can potentially impact network performance, as it reduces the number of nodes available to participate in the network. As such, it is important to balance the need to ban bad actors with the need to maintain a healthy and robust network.

  4. Banning can be difficult to enforce: Banning nodes from the Bitcoin network can be difficult to enforce, as nodes can potentially change their IP address or use other methods to evade detection. As such, it is important to have multiple layers of security in place to help prevent bad actors from accessing the network.

Overall, banning is an important tool for maintaining the security and stability of the Bitcoin network, but it must be used carefully and with clear policies in place to ensure that it is applied fairly and transparently.


~864K SLoC