Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

async-trait is used at run time in 14,424 crates (of which 2,127 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 5,783 crates. It's used at build time in 37 crates (of which 20 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 806 crates (of which 89 directly).

Number of dependers async-trait version Downloads/month
15,266 0.1.80 4.7M
1 0.1.74 1.6M
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) async-trait version
4.0M 1076 axum ^0.1.67
3.9M 69 axum-core ^0.1.67
1.0M 31 opentelemetry-http ^0.1
1.2M 84 opentelemetry-otlp ^0.1
1.1M 52 trust-dns-proto ^0.1.43
3.9M 823 tonic optional ^0.1.13
908K 102 object_store ^0.1.53
1.1M 634 config optional ^0.1.50
1.3M 92 integer-encoding optional ^0.1
1.7M 95 opentelemetry_sdk optional ^0.1
1.9M 151 tracing-opentelemetry optional ^0.1.56
672K 154 reqwest-middleware ^0.1.51
636K 129 zbus ^0.1.80
494K 172 wiremock ^0.1
443K 195 tokio-postgres ^0.1
425K 70 reqwest-retry ^0.1.51
421K 130 async-graphql ^0.1.79
387K 81 datafusion ^0.1.73
387K 3 datafusion-optimizer ^0.1.73
379K 46 opentelemetry-jaeger ^0.1
368K 94 sea-orm ^0.1
351K 1 datafusion-physical-plan ^0.1.73
330K 18 async-graphql-axum ^0.1.79
284K 19 hickory-proto ^0.1.43
282K 18 kube-runtime ^0.1.64
272K 24 jsonrpsee-core ^0.1
248K 9 foundationdb ^0.1.77
238K 73 bb8 ^0.1
235K 6 libp2p-dns ^0.1.74
236K 396 rusoto_core ^0.1.9
233K 55 rusoto_credential ^0.1.9
233K 135 yup-oauth2 ^0.1
221K 10 jsonrpsee-http-client ^0.1
219K 41 reqwest-tracing ^0.1.51
659K 413 redis optional ^0.1.24
216K 8 tantivy-common ^0.1
205K 16 fred ^0.1
614K 89 moka optional ^0.1.58
192K 148 sha256 ^0.1.68
186K 6 libp2p-request-response ^0.1
183K 1 opentelemetry-application-insights ^0.1
181K 135 httpmock ^0.1
179K 38 ethers-providers ^0.1.73
170K 23 ethers-signers ^0.1.73
159K aliri_reqwest ^0.1.79
159K 1 aliri_tokens ^0.1.79
159K 12 google-cloud-auth ^0.1
152K 9 google-cloud-token ^0.1
148K 18 salvo_core ^0.1
146K 11 gcp_auth ^0.1
144K 323 azure_core ^0.1
419K 129 cached optional ^0.1
130K 428 rocket ^0.1.43
125K 71 rusoto_s3 ^0.1
375K 167 wasmtime optional ^0.1.71
124K 8 ethers-middleware ^0.1.73
124K 90 testcontainers ^0.1
121K 12 azure_storage ^0.1
122K 29 sea-orm-migration ^0.1
121K 29 scylla ^0.1.56
120K 3 scylla-cql ^0.1.57
120K 20 wiggle ^0.1.71
117K 9 google-cloud-storage ^0.1
117K 179 mongodb ^0.1.42
114K 22 http-client ^0.1.37
107K 68 lapin ^0.1.42
107K 2 orchestra ^0.1
101K 17 async-session ^0.1.50
101K 63 wasmtime-wasi ^0.1.71
99K 9 executor-trait ^0.1.42
99K 4 reactor-trait ^0.1.42
100K 6 refinery-core ^0.1
99K 2 async-global-executor-trait ^0.1.42
99K 2 async-reactor-trait ^0.1.42
290K 23 opentelemetry-stdout optional ^0.1
266K 4 gix-transport optional ^0.1.51
265K 2 gix-protocol optional ^0.1.51
85K 6 cloud-storage ^0.1.48
79K 2 reqsign ^0.1
79K 33 rust-s3 ^0.1
78K 96 serenity ^0.1.74
77K 21 diesel-async ^0.1.66
71K 227 surf ^0.1.36
70K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^0.1.80
71K 6 rustify ^0.1.52
69K 16 azure_identity ^0.1
68K 7 vaultrs ^0.1.68
67K 1 goose ^0.1
65K 17 actix-web-lab ^0.1
64K 33 tiberius ^0.1
63K 10 rusoto_kms ^0.1
62K 19 tokio-executor-trait ^0.1.42
61K 59 tower-lsp ^0.1
56K 31 opendal ^0.1.68
56K 24 webrtc-util ^0.1
54K 181 solana-client ^0.1.77
54K 69 juniper ^0.1.39
53K 1 sqlx-cli ^0.1.52
52K 5 sqllogictest ^0.1
50K 30 axum-test ^0.1
48K 1 dyer ^0.1.51
48K 3 turn ^0.1
46K 17 bb8-redis ^0.1
46K 5 solana-connection-cache ^0.1.77
46K 5 solana-quic-client ^0.1.77
46K 22 solana-rpc-client ^0.1.77
46K 11 solana-tpu-client ^0.1.77
46K 1 solana-udp-client ^0.1.77
44K 21 worker ^0.1.74
45K 1 worker-macros ^0.1.74
43K 31 rusoto_dynamodb ^0.1
43K snowflake-api ^0.1
43K 147 tide ^0.1.41
42K 2 c2pa ^0.1.77
42K 11 russh ^0.1
42K 12 russh-keys ^0.1.72
42K 5 wasi-cap-std-sync ^0.1.71
126K 16 command-group optional ^0.1.74
41K 73 octocrab ^0.1.50
40K 13 rusoto_sqs ^0.1
40K 21 rusoto_sts ^0.1
39K 6 opentelemetry-zipkin ^0.1
37K 1 ginepro ^0.1
37K 30 mobc ^0.1
111K 4 igd-next optional ^0.1.72
36K 5 webrtc-dtls ^0.1
36K 3 webrtc-ice ^0.1
108K 120 lettre optional ^0.1
34K 4 interceptor ^0.1
34K 23 webrtc ^0.1
35K 3 webrtc-sctp ^0.1
33K 4 lsp-async-stub ^0.1.52
33K 3 taplo-common ^0.1.52
34K 21 tendermint-rpc ^0.1
32K 12 async-std-resolver ^0.1.43
31K 6 http-cache ^0.1.72
31K segment ^0.1.80
30K 21 tokio-modbus ^0.1.77
30K 3 litep2p ^0.1.66
90K 2 parquet-format-safe optional ^0.1
29K 8 gcloud-sdk ^0.1
29K 15 tokio-reactor-trait ^0.1.42
29K 17 tower-cookies ^0.1
86K 14 polars-io optional ^0.1.59
28K 22 bb8-postgres ^0.1
26K 1 libp2p-autonat ^0.1
26K 4 rusoto_secretsmanager ^0.1
27K 6 virtual-fs ^0.1
27K 5 virtual-net ^0.1
27K 10 wasmer-wasix ^0.1
26K 1 rsmq_async ^0.1
25K 1 apalis-redis ^0.1.80
25K qldb ^0.1
25K 3 rusoto_lambda ^0.1
25K 1 rusoto_qldb_session ^0.1
25K 5 virtual-mio ^0.1
24K 7 async-convert ^0.1.52
24K deterministic-wasi-ctx ^0.1.53
23K 4 graphql-ws-client ^0.1
23K 19 http-cache-reqwest ^0.1.72
24K 26 ldap3 ^0.1.60
23K 142 solana-program-test ^0.1.77
22K 33 zenoh ^0.1.60
22K 2 zenoh-link ^0.1.60
22K 11 zenoh-link-commons ^0.1.60
22K 1 zenoh-link-tcp ^0.1.60
22K 1 zenoh-transport ^0.1.60
22K 35 zenoh-util ^0.1.60
21K 28 trust-dns-server ^0.1.43
20K 18 bdk ^0.1
21K 22 deno_web ^0.1.73
21K 5 fast-socks5 ^0.1
21K 7 pulsar ^0.1.72
20K 20 reqwest-conditional-middleware ^0.1.80
21K 37 subxt ^0.1.80
20K 9 wasmtime-wasi-http ^0.1.71
19K axum-containerssh ^0.1
20K 3 coins-ledger ^0.1
19K 14 dioxus-html ^0.1.58
20K 1 rusoto_events ^0.1
20K 3 shadowsocks ^0.1
60K 22 vfs optional ^0.1.73
19K 1 shadowsocks-service ^0.1
18K 14 ledger-transport ^0.1.80
18K 19 thirtyfour ^0.1
55K 3 wai-bindgen-rust optional ^0.1.51
16K 42 btleplug ^0.1.76
16K 1 libp2p-rendezvous ^0.1
16K 3 slack-morphism ^0.1
16K 9 bluez-async ^0.1.68
15K darwin-v7 ^0.1
14K 5 ic-utils ^0.1.68
14K 7 rusoto_ssm ^0.1
14K 21 tower-sessions ^0.1.73
14K 12 tower-sessions-core ^0.1.74
14K 1 tower-sessions-memory-store ^0.1.74
13K 18 casbin ^0.1.52
13K rusoto_stepfunctions ^0.1
13K 4 tough ^0.1
42K 11 suppaftp optional ^0.1.64
13K 3 databend-client ^0.1
12K 5 deno_io ^0.1.73
12K 4 librespot-metadata ^0.1
13K opensrv-mysql ^0.1.52
12K 15 rusoto_ec2 ^0.1
12K rusoto_ecr ^0.1
12K 4 rusoto_ses ^0.1
12K sccache ^0.1
12K 41 sp-consensus ^0.1.79
11K 9 burn-common ^0.1.79
11K 7 hickory-server ^0.1.43
12K 3 octorust ^0.1.51
11K rusoto_apigatewaymanagementapi ^0.1
12K 3 rusoto_cloudwatch ^0.1
11K 7 rusoto_sns ^0.1
11K 25 sc-consensus ^0.1.79
11K 37 sc-network ^0.1.79
11K 14 shuttle-service ^0.1.58
12K 3 sn-releases ^0.1
34K 3 ttrpc optional ^0.1.31
10K 3 databend-driver ^0.1
11K 6 deltalake-core ^0.1
10K 12 fuel-vm ^0.1
10K 3 loco-rs ^0.1.74
11K 5 lspower ^0.1
10K rusoto_batch ^0.1
11K 2 rusoto_ecs ^0.1
10K 5 rusoto_iam ^0.1
11K 3 russh-sftp ^0.1
10K 3 rusty-sidekiq ^0.1.74
10K 9 sc-transaction-pool ^0.1.79
10K 22 shuttle-runtime ^0.1.58
10K madsim-rdkafka ^0.1
10K 19 sc-service ^0.1.79
10K steno ^0.1.68
30K 9 fastwebsockets optional ^0.1
9.9K 2 rust_engineio ^0.1.79
9.6K 1 google-cloud-bigquery ^0.1
9.6K 2 rusoto_cloudformation ^0.1
9.6K omicron-zone-package ^0.1.67
9.6K 7 axum-auth ^0.1.73
9.6K arrow-udf-wasm ^0.1
9.1K 2 axum-login ^0.1.57
26K wai-bindgen-wasmer optional ^0.1.50
8.8K 1 rusoto_autoscaling ^0.1
8.8K 4 amqprs ^0.1
8.5K 4 binstalk-downloader ^0.1.68
8.2K rusoto_ebs ^0.1
8.1K 4 minidump-processor ^0.1.52
8.1K 3 breakpad-symbols ^0.1.52
8.1K rusoto_resourcegroupstaggingapi ^0.1
8.1K 5 sc-consensus-slots ^0.1.79
8.0K 6 starknet-signers ^0.1.68
8.0K 5 starknet-providers ^0.1.68
7.9K 5 minidump-unwind ^0.1.52
7.8K rusoto_efs ^0.1
7.8K 17 deno_graph ^0.1.68
7.7K 4 starknet-accounts ^0.1.68
7.7K 227 rusoto_mock ^0.1
7.7K 20 sc-transaction-pool-api ^0.1.79
7.7K 1 binstalk-fetchers ^0.1.68
7.7K icelake ^0.1
7.7K 1 binstalk-registry ^0.1.68
7.6K pcap-file-tokio ^0.1.68
7.5K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^0.1.80
7.5K 6 zeromq ^0.1
7.5K 14 sc-network-common ^0.1.79
7.4K rusoto_application_autoscaling ^0.1
21K 29 fluvio-future optional ^0.1.40
7.2K 2 deno_npm ^0.1.68
7.1K 2 coap ^0.1.74
7.1K 14 poise ^0.1.48
7.0K 7 fuel-core-services ^0.1
7.0K irondash_message_channel ^0.1
6.9K 3 fuel-core-poa ^0.1
6.8K 1 conjure-runtime ^0.1
6.8K shellflip ^0.1.61
6.8K 12 sc-network-sync ^0.1.79
6.7K 4 conjure-http ^0.1
6.7K 16 hyprland ^0.1
6.7K cargo-leptos ^0.1.72
6.7K 1 ssstar ^0.1
6.7K 1 delay_timer ^0.1.48
6.6K 2 dioxus-fullstack ^0.1.71
20K 74 sp-inherents optional ^0.1.79
6.6K 4 ipfs-api-prelude ^0.1
6.5K 5 denokv_proto ^0.1
6.5K 2 denokv_sqlite ^0.1
6.5K 2 denokv_remote ^0.1
6.5K 3 meilisearch-sdk ^0.1.51
6.5K 2 passkey-authenticator ^0.1
6.3K 1 oxide-auth-async ^0.1.59
6.2K 6 tokio-graceful-shutdown ^0.1.73
6.1K 2 tokio-rustls-acme ^0.1.53
6.1K rskafka ^0.1
6.1K 3 azure_security_keyvault ^0.1
6.0K 1 muxado ^0.1.59
6.0K 2 keycloak ^0.1
6.0K 1 ngrok ^0.1.59
6.0K 10 ipfs-api-backend-hyper ^0.1
5.8K 8 libsql ^0.1
5.8K 1 zenoh-link-udp ^0.1.60
5.8K 12 leptos-use ^0.1
5.6K 8 deno_http ^0.1.73
5.6K 9 sc-consensus-babe ^0.1.79
5.6K 6 rattler_networking ^0.1.80
5.6K 13 fuels-core ^0.1.74
16K 18 dprint-core optional ^0.1.72
17K 6 raur optional ^0.1.52
5.5K 5 sc-consensus-aura ^0.1.79
5.5K 4 deno_fs ^0.1.73
5.4K 2 firestore ^0.1
5.4K 8 deno_node ^0.1.73
5.3K 4 k8-metadata-client ^0.1.52
5.3K 4 k8-client ^0.1.52
5.3K 10 deno_broadcast_channel ^0.1.73
5.2K 14 wrpc-transport ^0.1
5.2K 1 fuels-programs ^0.1.74
5.0K 4 fuels-accounts ^0.1.74
5.0K rusoto_servicediscovery ^0.1
15K 5 mrml optional ^0.1
14K 15 sp-timestamp optional ^0.1.79
4.8K 1 globalcache ^0.1.53
4.8K 12 neo4rs ^0.1.0
4.7K 2 zellij-server ^0.1.50
4.7K 3 flv-tls-proxy ^0.1.41
4.7K azure_devops_rust_api ^0.1
4.7K 2 pact_consumer ^0.1.80
4.6K coldsnap ^0.1
4.6K 3 sc-authority-discovery ^0.1.79
14K 18 cloudevents-sdk optional ^0.1.33
4.5K crossfire ^0.1
4.5K 1 zenoh-link-unixsock_stream ^0.1.60
4.5K 1 zenoh-link-quic ^0.1.60
4.5K 1 zenoh-link-tls ^0.1.60
4.5K 2 pocket-ic ^0.1
4.5K 1 celery ^0.1.43
4.4K 4 deno_cache ^0.1.73
4.4K prima_datadog ^0.1
4.4K 3 webauthn-authenticator-rs ^0.1.58
4.4K 9 warg-client ^0.1.77
4.4K 10 linera-base ^0.1.77
4.3K 8 linera-views ^0.1.77
4.3K 6 sc-consensus-grandpa ^0.1.79
4.3K 6 dropshot ^0.1.80
4.3K 1 reqwest_dav ^0.1
4.2K 1 witchcraft-server ^0.1
4.2K 7 linera-execution ^0.1.77
4.2K 6 linera-chain ^0.1.77
4.2K 4 linera-storage ^0.1.77
4.2K 42 trillium ^0.1.75
4.1K 1 cornucopia_async ^0.1.63
4.1K 1 zenoh-link-ws ^0.1.60
4.1K 1 deno_kv ^0.1.73
4.1K 4 linera-core ^0.1.77
4.1K 5 aleph-bft-types ^0.1
4.1K 2 aleph-bft-crypto ^0.1
4.1K 2 substrate-rpc-client ^0.1.79
4.1K 1 apollo-router ^0.1.77
4.1K 2 deno ^0.1.73
4.0K 2 aleph-bft-rmc ^0.1
4.0K 1 tower-sessions-sqlx-store ^0.1.77
4.0K 2 google-cloud-default ^0.1
4.0K 5 wasmcloud-core ^0.1
4.0K 1 fuel-core-txpool ^0.1
3.9K 1 fuel-core-producer ^0.1
3.9K 8 fuel-core ^0.1
3.9K 12 rustls-acme ^0.1.53
11K 5 shuttle-common optional ^0.1.58
3.9K 3 sc-finality-grandpa ^0.1.57
3.8K 17 gluesql-core ^0.1
3.8K 1 prima_bridge ^0.1
3.8K 17 dioxus-desktop ^0.1.68
3.7K 1 sqlness ^0.1
3.7K 4 coerce ^0.1
3.7K 6 polkadot-node-subsystem-types ^0.1.79
3.7K 14 polkadot-node-network-protocol ^0.1.79
3.7K 16 polkadot-overseer ^0.1.79
3.6K 7 spin-sdk ^0.1.74
3.6K 4 gluesql_memory_storage ^0.1
10K 3 shuttle-proto optional ^0.1.58
10K 18 sp-consensus-babe optional ^0.1.79
3.5K workos ^0.1
3.5K 4 gluesql_sled_storage ^0.1
3.5K 10 gluesql-test-suite ^0.1
3.5K 16 ssi-dids ^0.1
3.4K 8 async-ssh2-lite ^0.1
3.4K aleph-bft ^0.1
3.4K 9 trillium-server-common ^0.1.75
3.4K 2 deltalake-aws ^0.1
3.4K 9 spl-token-client ^0.1
3.4K 7 nostr-database ^0.1
3.3K 9 ssi-core ^0.1
3.3K 1 gluesql-shared-memory-storage ^0.1
3.3K k8s-controller ^0.1
3.3K 6 libp2p-swarm-test ^0.1.74
3.3K 2 gluesql-json-storage ^0.1
3.3K 2 vaultrs-login ^0.1.68
3.3K 9 lance-core ^0.1
3.3K 1 gluesql-composite-storage ^0.1
3.3K twilio-async ^0.1
3.2K 2 json-rules-engine-fork ^0.1
3.2K async-graphql-extension-apollo-tracing ^0.1
3.2K 9 ledger-zondax-generic ^0.1
3.2K 2 libsql_replication ^0.1.74
3.2K 2 lance-datafusion ^0.1
3.1K 3 lance-index ^0.1
3.1K 2 gluesql-csv-storage ^0.1
3.1K 1 cosmian_findex ^0.1.74
3.1K 21 polkadot-node-subsystem-util ^0.1.79
3.1K 3 lance ^0.1
3.1K 1 gluesql-redis-storage ^0.1
3.1K 1 cloudproof_findex ^0.1.77
3.1K 1 yerpc ^0.1.53
3.1K azure_data_cosmos ^0.1
3.0K 4 lance-io ^0.1
3.0K 4 lance-file ^0.1
3.0K 6 diqwest ^0.1
3.0K 2 lance-table ^0.1
2.9K 1 deno_cron ^0.1.73
2.9K rbw ^0.1.80
2.9K 6 surrealdb-tikv-client ^0.1
2.9K 4 wrpc-interface-http ^0.1
2.9K 4 holochain_sqlite ^0.1
2.9K 22 holochain_types ^0.1
2.9K 3 nostr-zapper ^0.1
2.9K 2 wrpc-interface-blobstore ^0.1
9.2K 43 sp-consensus-aura optional ^0.1.79
2.9K 8 tarantool ^0.1.64
2.8K 1 fuel-core-p2p ^0.1
2.8K 9 random-access-storage ^0.1
2.8K rsiot-http-server ^0.1.77
2.8K rsiot-modbus-client ^0.1.77
2.8K rsiot-websocket-server ^0.1.77
2.7K 3 s3s ^0.1.73
2.7K 11 rusoto_logs ^0.1
2.7K 3 sc-consensus-beefy ^0.1.79
2.7K 4 bb8-tiberius ^0.1.42
2.7K rsiot-http-client ^0.1.77
2.7K 1 polkadot-node-core-candidate-validation ^0.1.79
2.7K qcs ^0.1.73
2.7K 6 random-access-memory ^0.1
2.7K 2 polkadot-availability-recovery ^0.1.79
2.7K 4 polkadot-service ^0.1.79
2.7K 2 polkadot-network-bridge ^0.1.79
2.7K 1 polkadot-node-core-parachains-inherent ^0.1.79
2.7K 1 jwks_client_rs ^0.1
2.7K 8 random-access-disk ^0.1
2.7K 2 debot-db ^0.1.68
8.7K 6 spider optional ^0.1.75
2.7K 2 cacaos ^0.1
2.7K 5 matrix-sdk-crypto ^0.1.60
2.6K rsiot-timescaledb-storing ^0.1.77
2.6K rsiot-websocket-client ^0.1.77
2.6K 5 matrix-sdk-common ^0.1.60
2.6K 3 axum-jsonschema ^0.1.57
2.6K 4 did-method-key ^0.1
2.6K sqlant ^0.1
2.6K 1 tide-disco ^0.1.79
2.6K 3 qcs-api-client-common ^0.1
2.6K 3 near-workspaces ^0.1
2.6K 1 gnostr-core ^0.1
2.5K 8 matrix-sdk-base ^0.1.60
2.5K dynamodb_lock ^0.1
2.5K 10 pingora-core ^0.1.42
2.5K 28 matrix-sdk ^0.1.60
2.5K 1 linera-rpc ^0.1.77
2.5K 1 crux_http ^0.1.80
2.5K 2 shuttle-shared-db ^0.1.56
2.5K postmark ^0.1
8.0K 3 pgwire optional ^0.1
2.5K 1 linera-service ^0.1.77
2.5K 1 ssi-zcap-ld ^0.1
2.4K 4 ssi-ldp ^0.1
2.4K 2 pingora-cache ^0.1.42
2.4K 2 try-runtime-cli ^0.1.79
2.4K 8 pingora-proxy ^0.1.42
2.4K sev-snp-utilities ^0.1.57
2.4K 1 axum-htmx ^0.1
2.4K 2 ssi-vc ^0.1
2.4K 5 socks5-impl ^0.1
2.4K 9 snarkvm-ledger-query ^0.1
2.4K 1 opentelemetry-stackdriver ^0.1.48
2.4K 4 holochain_websocket ^0.1
2.3K 2 deltalake-gcp ^0.1
2.3K gcs-rsync ^0.1
2.3K 1 s3s-fs ^0.1.73
2.3K 7 holochain_p2p ^0.1
7.4K 24 rspotify optional ^0.1.51
7.4K 13 dioxus-web optional ^0.1.58
2.3K 6 wasmcloud-control-interface ^0.1
2.2K 1 wasmer-journal ^0.1
2.2K 3 pingora-load-balancing ^0.1.42
7.3K 1 bdk_esplora optional ^0.1.66
2.2K 2 async-compatibility-layer ^0.1.79
7.2K 2 opentelemetry-contrib optional ^0.1
2.2K 2 deltalake-azure ^0.1
2.2K 2 wadm ^0.1
2.2K 4 tikv-client ^0.1
2.1K 1 gnostr-bins ^0.1
2.1K 1 matrix-sdk-indexeddb ^0.1.60
2.1K rencfs ^0.1.80
6.9K 16 gitlab optional ~0.1.9
2.1K 4 nacos-sdk ^0.1
2.1K 2 starbase_events ^0.1.80
2.1K 14 cumulus-relay-chain-interface ^0.1.79
2.1K holochain_conductor_services ^0.1
6.8K 4 winter-prover optional ^0.1.80
2.0K integrationos-domain ^0.1.77
2.0K dapr ^0.1
2.0K opentelemetry-datadog-cloudflare ^0.1
2.0K rusoto_eks ^0.1
2.0K 1 sqllogictest-engines ^0.1
6.6K 6 binary-stream optional ^0.1
6.6K 6 dbase optional ^0.1
2.0K 3 wit-bindgen-wrpc ^0.1
2.0K 3 barter-integration ^0.1.78
2.0K devol-accounts-kit ^0.1.80
2.0K atuin ^0.1.58
2.0K 4 sn_service_management ^0.1
1.9K 6 tor-circmgr ^0.1.54
1.9K 6 holochain ^0.1
1.9K rsiot-plc ^0.1.77
1.9K mdbook-graphviz ^0.1
1.9K 5 nvim-rs ^0.1.77
1.9K 6 dioxus-ssr ^0.1.77
6.4K 3 sp-transaction-storage-proof optional ^0.1.79
1.9K tower-sessions-redis-store ^0.1.77
1.9K rsiot-redis-client ^0.1.77
1.9K 4 dockworker ^0.1
1.9K 3 fluent-fallback ^0.1
1.9K 3 async-executor-trait ^0.1.42
1.9K 13 rbdc ^0.1.56
1.8K 3 jsonrpc-v2 ^0.1.52
1.8K musicgpt ^0.1.80
1.8K 2 async-dropper-simple ^0.1.74
1.8K 2 s3s-aws ^0.1.73
1.8K 1 tentacli ^0.1.57
1.8K reqwest-chain ^0.1.59
6.0K 4 sntpc optional ^0.1
1.8K 4 zombienet-support ^0.1
1.8K 3 async-dropper ^0.1.74
1.8K 1 async-dropper-derive ^0.1.74
1.8K cargo-shuttle ^0.1.58
1.7K 2 wrpc-runtime-wasmtime ^0.1
1.7K 24 tor-rtcompat ^0.1.54
1.7K 1 langchain-rust ^0.1.80
1.7K 10 dockertest ^0.1.72
1.7K 3 reqwest-streams ^0.1
1.7K rsiot-websocket-client-wasm ^0.1.77
1.7K 19 rbatis ^0.1.68
1.7K 2 zombienet-provider ^0.1
5.8K 6 fuse-backend-rs optional ^0.1.42
1.7K 1 rust-ipfs ^0.1
5.8K rsiot optional ^0.1.77
1.7K 2 cumulus-client-pov-recovery ^0.1.79
1.7K rusoto_cloudfront ^0.1
1.7K teo ^0.1.74
5.7K 5 rattler_repodata_gateway optional ^0.1.80
1.7K zombienet-sdk ^0.1
1.7K 7 cumulus-client-consensus-common ^0.1.79
1.7K 2 cumulus-client-network ^0.1.79
1.7K 1 exon-io ^0.1.80
1.7K 1 ceresdb-client ^0.1.57
1.7K vmemcached ^0.1
1.6K 2 rusoto_cognito_idp ^0.1
1.6K rsiot-http-client-wasm ^0.1.77
1.6K rex-sm ^0.1
1.6K 1 cumulus-relay-chain-inprocess-interface ^0.1.79
1.6K 1 cumulus-relay-chain-minimal-node ^0.1.79
1.6K 5 reqwest-oauth1 ^0.1.40
1.6K 1 cumulus-relay-chain-rpc-interface ^0.1.79
1.6K 3 exon ^0.1.80
1.6K 8 ibc-chain-registry ^0.1.72
1.6K 9 tor-rtmock ^0.1.54
1.6K prom-remote-api ^0.1.61
5.4K 3 kittycad optional ^0.1.53
1.6K horaedb-client ^0.1.72
1.6K 1 istziio-client ^0.1
1.6K 3 cumulus-client-consensus-proposer ^0.1.79
1.6K 5 tor-chanmgr ^0.1.54
5.3K 3 rspotify-http optional ^0.1.51
1.5K 2 atuin-server-database ^0.1.58
1.5K 3 cumulus-client-consensus-aura ^0.1.79
1.5K 2 atuin-client ^0.1.58
1.5K 1 atuin-server ^0.1.58
1.5K 1 atuin-server-postgres ^0.1.58
1.5K 1 teo-generator ^0.1.80
1.5K pingap ^0.1.80
1.5K rsiot-leptos ^0.1.77
1.5K 1 cumulus-client-parachain-inherent ^0.1.79
1.5K tenorite ^0.1.53
1.5K kube-client-ext ^0.1
1.4K 6 activitypub_federation ^0.1.80
1.4K 4 http-signature-normalization-reqwest ^0.1.71
1.4K 2 starbase ^0.1.80
1.4K 2 tor-dirmgr ^0.1.54
1.4K pricedb ^0.1.77
1.4K rsiot-influxdb ^0.1.77
1.4K 1 rusoto_firehose ^0.1
1.4K 1 graph-oauth ^0.1.35
1.4K indieweb ^0.1.52
1.4K 2 matrix-sdk-sqlite ^0.1.60
1.4K kcl-lib ^0.1.80
4.8K 1 containerd-shim-protos optional ^0.1.48
1.4K aleph-bft-mock ^0.1
1.4K 1 hypers =0.1.80
1.4K 1 sos-net ^0.1
1.4K 3 axum-yaml ^0.1
4.7K 5 ractor optional ^0.1
1.3K 1 fast_pool ^0.1
1.3K 3 vercel_runtime ^0.1.73
1.3K ibkr_client_portal ^0.1.80
1.3K rsiot-surrealdb ^0.1.77
1.3K nfsserve ^0.1.9
1.3K 2 sbom-walker ^0.1
1.3K 1 cobalt-aws ^0.1
4.5K datadog-logs optional ^0.1.42
1.3K 5 walker-common ^0.1
1.3K 1 rbdc-pool-fast ^0.1
1.3K 2 postgresql_archive ^0.1.80
1.3K 38 fedimint-core ^0.1.77
1.3K 6 tentacle ^0.1
1.3K 2 sos-sdk ^0.1
1.3K 2 rbatis-codegen ^0.1
1.3K 2 celestia-rpc ^0.1
1.3K 2 astarte-device-sdk ^0.1.50
1.3K esrs ^0.1.50
4.4K 1 sp-authorship optional ^0.1.57
1.3K zen-engine ^0.1.77
1.3K 2 csaf-walker ^0.1
1.3K hcaptcha ^0.1
1.3K rusoto_sesv2 ^0.1
1.2K 8 axum_session ^0.1.74
1.2K 2 did-pkh ^0.1
1.2K 1 taos-ws ^0.1.56
1.2K 2 did-jwk ^0.1
1.2K async-recorder ^0.1.68
1.2K mds ^0.1.58
4.2K 1 wasmer-wit-bindgen-rust optional ^0.1.51
1.2K 3 twitch-irc ^0.1
1.2K 1 taos ^0.1
1.2K 2 pg-embed ^0.1
1.2K 1 tor-hsclient ^0.1.54
1.2K 3 rusoto_route53 ^0.1
1.2K 1 dms-cdc-operator ^0.1.79
1.2K 3 web-push ^0.1
1.2K twitter-v2 ^0.1
1.1K 4 rusoto_kinesis ^0.1
1.1K 1 lancedb ^0
1.1K 4 viaspf ^0.1.73
4.0K 1 opentelemetry-spanprocessor-any optional ^0.1
1.1K antimatter ^0.1.74
1.1K 2 vade-evan-substrate ^0.1.31
1.1K 2 sidan-csl-rs ^0.1.79
1.1K espup ^0.1.77
1.1K klickhouse ^0.1
1.1K 21 tp-keystore ^0.1.30
1.1K 3 graph-core ^0.1.35
1.1K wamp_async ^0.1
1.1K wasmer-cli ^0.1.68
1.1K 2 ruva-core ^0.1
1.1K 1 google-drive ^0.1.51
1.1K zilliqa-rs ^0.1.77
1.1K photon-indexer ^0.1.53
1.1K 3 did-web ^0.1
1.0K 14 fedimint-client ^0.1.77
1.0K 1 rustdns ^0.1.52
1.0K 1 graph-http ^0.1.35
1.0K simple-ldap ^0.1.75
1.0K axum-tungstenite ^0.1.59
1.0K 1 lychee-lib ^0.1.80
1.0K 6 cqrs-es ^0.1
3.7K 2 containerd-shim optional ^0.1.52
1.0K 2 sc-consensus-manual-seal ^0.1.79
1.0K 4 async-raft ^0.1.36
1.0K wasmtime-cli ^0.1.71
1.0K rusoto_pricing ^0.1
1.0K slumber ^0.1.73
1.0K event-store-adapter-rs ^0.1.80
3.6K 2 streamcatcher optional ^0.1
1.0K crunchyroll-rs ^0.1
3.5K 1 greetd_ipc optional ^0.1
1.0K chorus ^0.1.77
1.0K 2 walker-extras ^0.1
1.0K 3 ezsockets ^0.1.52
1.0K 2 rvcr ^0.1
1.0K proksi ^0.1.80
1.0K 3 jsonrpc-async ^0.1.42
1.0K 11 llm-chain ^0.1.68
950 3 act-zero ^0.1.41
950 2 workflow-websocket ^0.1.74
950 otel-opamp-rs ^0.1.68
3.4K 9 cumulus-primitives-parachain-inherent optional ^0.1.79
950 2 dagger-sdk ^0.1.77
950 bendsql ^0.1
950 3 fedimint-mint-common ^0.1.77
950 1 miden-client ^0.1
950 5 fedimint-bitcoind ^0.1.77
950 4 holochain_client ^0.1
950 4 pact_verifier ^0.1.80
950 1 sn_node ^0.1
950 1 tap_core ^0.1.72
950 evento ^0.1.77
950 taskcluster-download ^0.1
900 utp-rs ^0.1.64
900 11 lemmy_db_schema ^0.1.74
900 taskcluster-upload ^0.1
900 llm_api_access ^0.1.68
900 4 remi ^0.1.80
900 6 fedimint-ln-common ^0.1.77
900 2 atrium-api ^0.1.68
900 2 fedimint-wallet-common ^0.1.77
900 7 fluvio-controlplane-metadata ^0.1.41
900 3 soroban-cli ^0.1.76
900 2 tokio-zookeeper ^0.1.80
900 4 tor-hsservice ^0.1.54
900 gluesql_shared_sled_storage ^0.1
900 4 sigstore ^0.1.52
900 sn_node_rpc_client ^0.1
850 6 fedimint-mint-client ^0.1
850 1 cling ^0.1.77
850 1 sequoia-keystore-softkeys ^0.1
850 cala-server ^0.1.80
850 gnostr-cli ^0.1.73
850 csaf-cli ^0.1
850 sendgrid-api ^0.1.51
850 2 kms-aead ^0.1
850 4 shuttle-secrets ^0.1.56
850 sbom-cli ^0.1
850 1 vade-jwt-vc ^0.1.31
850 opentelemetry-gcloud-trace ^0.1
850 geocode-csv ^0.1.52
850 4 fluvio ^0.1.41
850 13 nanorpc ^0.1.58
850 6 workflow-rpc ^0.1.74
850 5 fedimint-wallet-client ^0.1.77
850 5 fedimint-ln-client ^0.1.77
850 2 gasket ^0.1.68
850 bb8-lapin ^0.1
850 bindle ^0.1.51
850 1 taos-sys ^0.1
850 1 taos-optin ^0.1
800 1 majordome ^0.1.80
3.0K 7 songbird optional ^0.1
800 aimo ^0.1.74
800 secret-vault ^0.1
3.0K 4 fmmap optional ^0.1
800 2 async-tftp ^0.1.59
800 4 teo-runtime ^0.1.80
800 ralertsinua-http ^0.1.80
800 2 mz_rusoto_credential ^0.1
800 1 tonlib ^0.1
800 parquet-format-async-temp ^0.1
800 216 mz_rusoto_core ^0.1
800 215 mz_rusoto_mock ^0.1
800 event-sourcing ^0.1
800 game_pathfinding ^0.1
2.9K 2 shellfish optional ^0.1
800 atticus ^0.1.68
800 8 fluvio-socket ^0.1.41
800 kbve ^0.1.74
800 warg-cli ^0.1.77
800 matrix-sdk-sled ^0.1.53
800 sc-simnode ^0.1.57
800 1 socks5-server ^0.1.79
800 1 mithril-common ^0.1.77
800 golem-cli ^0.1.77
800 coc-rs ~0.1.73
750 mithril-client ^0.1.77
750 1 golem-client ^0.1
750 torn-key-pool ^0.1
750 1 axum_database_sessions ^0.1.66
750 remi-azure ^0.1.80
750 1 teo-sql-connector ^0.1.74
750 1 nip-55 ^0.1
750 utility-workspaces ^0.1
750 kble ^0.1
750 2 sn_networking ^0.1
750 bb8-redis-cluster ^0.1
750 1 nj-core ^0.1.22
750 roadster ^0.1.80
2.8K 1 page-turner optional ^0.1.77
750 2 datafusion-cli ^0.1.41
750 6 workflow-terminal ^0.1.74
750 4 modyne ^0.1.66
750 1 dusk-wallet ^0.1
750 28 httpclient ^0.1.52
750 axum-jrpc ^0.1.74
750 cloud-storage-signature ^0.1.80
700 15 libunftp ^0.1.80
700 1 datafusion-objectstore-hdfs ^0.1.53
700 1 li-http-client ^0.1.37
700 versatiles ^0.1.80
700 tyco ^0.1
700 jetstream ^0.1.79
700 3 jsonrpc_client ^0.1
700 1 mev-share-rpc-api ^0.1
700 4 workflow-nw ^0.1.74
700 forc-client ^0.1.58
2.7K linera-wit-bindgen-host-wasmer-rust optional ^0.1.50
700 1 rattler_installs_packages ^0.1.80
700 6 sn_client ^0.1
700 forc-crypto ^0.1.58
2.6K linera-wit-bindgen-host-wasmtime-rust optional ^0.1.50
700 rnacos ^0.1
700 3 sequoia-keystore-backend ^0.1
700 3 enfync ^0.1
700 2 golem-api-grpc ^0.1.77
700 li-surf ^0.1.36
2.6K 5 txoo optional ^0.1
700 anki_bridge ^0.1
700 leetup ^0.1.52
700 remi-s3 ^0.1.80
700 tmi-ord ^0.1.72
700 3 feattle-core ^0.1.40
700 2 lade-sdk ^0.1.80
650 remi-fs ^0.1.80
650 1 sequoia-keystore-gpg-agent ^0.1
650 rabbitmq-management-client ^0.1
650 tower-sessions-moka-store ^0.1.77
650 2 golem-common ^0.1.77
650 1 matchbox_socket ^0.1
650 2 dagger-core ^0.1.67
650 ic-solidity-bindgen ^0.1.50
650 1 golem-test-framework ^0.1.77
650 graphql-starter ^0.1.64
2.5K 10 chksum-core optional ^0.1.80
650 1 feattle-sync ^0.1.40
650 5 sylvia-iot-corelib ^0.1.80
650 datafusion-odata ^0.1
2.5K 1 linera-sdk optional ^0.1.77
650 wora ~0.1.80
650 poem-sea-orm-middleware ^0.1
650 27 ockam_core ^0.1.80
650 pg-trunk ^0.1.64
650 1 apollo-client ^0.1.50
650 ruarango ^0.1.60
650 nimiq_rpc ^0.1
650 4 general-mq ^0.1.80
650 batch-aint-one ^0.1.74
650 4 discord-sdk ^0.1
650 1 llm-chain-openai ^0.1.68
2.4K zino optional ^0.1.80
600 parpulse-client ^0.1
2.4K 14 autd3-driver optional ^0.1.77
600 kanin ^0.1.53
600 1 reqwest-ratelimit ^0.1
600 nixpacks ^0.1.59
600 13 esl01-dag ^0.1
600 2 sylvia-iot-auth ^0.1.80
600 4 rusty_ytdl ^0.1.80
600 14 ucan ^0.1
600 2 sylvia-iot-broker ^0.1.80
600 3 atrium-xrpc ^0.1.68
600 1 async-ssh2-tokio ^0.1.61
600 depo ^0.1.74
600 1 sylvia-iot-coremgr ^0.1.80
600 1 unleash-api-client ^0.1.56
600 1 fedimint-aleph-bft ^0.1
600 ismp-parachain-inherent ^0.1.63
600 rusoto_glue ^0.1
600 1 brw ^0.1
600 unleash-edge ^0.1.80
600 aichat ^0.1.74
600 surrealdb-tikv-client-pd ^0.1
600 1 oxinat_core ^0.1.80
600 surrealdb-tikv-client-store ^0.1
600 kxio ^0.1
600 vproxy ^0.1.80
600 9 unftp-sbe-fs ^0.1.80
550 axum-messages ^0.1.77
2.3K 17 roqoqo optional ^0.1
550 sylvia-iot-sdk ^0.1.80
550 2 rsql_drivers ^0.1.77
550 1 astarte-device-sdk-mock ^0.1.50
550 yew-oauth2 ^0.1
550 spotify_player ^0.1.79
2.2K 4 iota-sdk optional ^0.1.77
550 2 rusoto_cognito_identity ^0.1
550 discord-rpc-helper ^0.1
550 1 consulrs ^0.1.51
550 sylvia-iot-data ^0.1.80
550 postgres-es ^0.1
550 scarb ^0.1.68
550 3 ng-verifier ^0.1.64
550 reqwest-leaky-bucket ^0.1
550 1 rsql_formatters ^0.1.77
2.2K 1 rollo optional ^0.1.5
550 1 rsql_core ^0.1.77
550 tonic-middleware ^0.1.78
550 revolt-database ^0.1.51
550 secretrs ^0.1.80
550 russenger ^0.1.77
550 rsbit ^0.1.74
550 ascending_graphics ^0.1.79
550 3 spacetimedb-core ^0.1.68
550 2 tide-tracing ^0.1
550 bb8-failsafe ^0.1
2.1K clamav-client optional ^0.1.77
500 flatline ^0.1
500 instant-epp ^0.1.52
500 1 mediasoup ^0.1.58
500 7 fbthrift ^0.1.56
500 lightspeed_cms ^0.1
500 auth0_client ^0.1.61
500 axum_sessions_auth ^0.1.64
500 1 portfu_macros ^0.1.80
500 sqlpage ^0.1.61
500 hyperbee ^0.1.77
500 3 rusoto_dynamodbstreams ^0.1
500 whisky ^0.1.79
500 7 buttplug ^0.1.80
500 11 rill-engine ^0.1.51
500 toy-rpc ^0.1
500 17 meio ^0.1.51
500 1 zenoh-link-unixpipe ^0.1.60
500 10 bytesio ^0.1.70
500 arpeggio ^0.1.78
500 8 melprot ^0.1.68
500 portfu ^0.1.80
500 2 edgedb-tokio ^0.1.52
500 actify ^0.1
500 ezk-sip-ua ^0.1
500 1 gclient ^0.1.80
500 windsock ^0.1.68
500 aws-throwaway ^0.1.30
500 7 meio-connect ^0.1.51
500 3 ockam_identity ^0.1.80
2.0K 1 holochain_cascade optional ^0.1
500 remi-gridfs ^0.1.80
500 2 teller-providers ^0.1.80
500 lenra_cli ^0.1.68
500 rsiot-auth ^0.1.77
490 1 cumulus-client-consensus-relay-chain ^0.1.79
490 8 viz-core ^0.1
490 1 appinsights ^0.1.51
490 2 bpfman ^0.1
490 1 jarust ^0.1.77
490 cryptr ^0.1.74
490 3 bmap-parser ^0.1.58
490 1 leptos_query ^0.1
490 2 httpclient_oauth2 ^0.1.75
490 edgedb-tokio-ext ^0.1.80
480 atrium-cli ^0.1.68
480 1 fluffer ^0.1
480 reval ^0.1
480 1 dapr-macros ^0.1
480 centraldogma ^0.1
470 1 nostr-indexeddb ^0.1
470 rldb ^0.1
470 1 akd ^0.1
470 2 rate-core ^0.1.51
470 1 bpfman-api ^0.1
470 3 eva-sdk ^0.1.51
6.2M 40 tracing-attributes dev ^0.1.67
2.2M 422 tower-http dev ^0.1
2.0M 408 mockall dev ^0.1.38
1.0M 440 aws-credential-types dev ^0.1.74
430K 7 opentelemetry-datadog dev ^0.1
328K 61 maybe-async dev ^0.1
252K 126 libp2p dev ^0.1
148K 66 delegate dev ^0.1.50
119K 10 azure_storage_blobs dev ^0.1
113K 29 extend dev ^0.1.40
50K 25 easy-ext dev ^0.1
44K 1 async-generic dev ^0.1
41K 7 opentelemetry-appender-tracing dev ^0.1
32K 2 async-stripe dev ^0.1
28K 8 minitrace dev ^0.1.52
27K 1 minitrace-macro dev ^0.1.52
14K 6 autometrics dev ^0.1.74
9.3K 2 logcall dev ^0.1.70
8.9K 3 logging_timer dev ^0.1.77
8.3K 4 sc-network-gossip dev ^0.1.79
8.1K 5 sc-offchain dev ^0.1
6.6K 3 trace dev ^0.1.60
4.1K 11 maybe-async-cfg dev ^0.1
2.7K 1 polkadot-node-core-approval-voting dev ^0.1.79
2.7K 1 polkadot-gossip-support dev ^0.1.79
2.7K 2 polkadot-node-core-runtime-api dev ^0.1.79
2.7K 1 polkadot-dispute-distribution dev ^0.1.79
2.6K 3 pingora dev ^0.1.42
2.2K llm-daemon dev ^0.1
1.6K 5 cumulus-client-collator dev ^0.1.79
1.6K 1 gherkin_rust dev ^0.1.40
1.5K onesignal-tracing-tail-sample dev ^0.1
1.4K 1 conjure-macros dev ^0.1
1.2K 3 mry dev ^0.1
1.1K release-plz dev ^0.1.80
1.1K 1 jsonrpc-utils dev ^0.1.56
1.1K stablebond-sdk dev ^0.1.77
1.1K metrics_cloudwatch dev ^0.1.24
800 jj-cli dev ^0.1.80
750 1 jsonrpc_client_macro dev ^0.1
700 safeup dev ^0.1
650 1 unimock dev ^0.1
600 1 sn-node-manager dev ^0.1
500 1 solaredge dev ^0.1
500 1 winter-maybe-async dev ^0.1