#array #const #no-alloc #invariants #subarray

no-std array-section

An array where only a (contiguous) subarray may be viewed or operated on

6 releases

0.1.5 May 6, 2024
0.1.4 May 6, 2024

#80 in No standard library

Download history 433/week @ 2024-05-02 32/week @ 2024-05-09 5/week @ 2024-05-16 5/week @ 2024-05-23

475 downloads per month


362 lines


When you want to return a buffer of unknown size (but smaller than some limit) from/in a const context. This crate defines a type backed by an array where only a (contiguous) subsection of the array may be viewed.

This can be useful in const functions that wish to return an array of size N, but with some elements potentially unused.

#![no_std] compatible

/// Returns an array of the square numbers smaller than both x and N.
const fn squares_smaller_than<const N: usize>(x: usize) -> ArraySection<usize, N> {
   let mut i = 0;
   let mut ans = [0; N];
   while i * i < N && i * i < x {
       ans[i] = i * i;
       i += 1;
   ArraySection::new(ans, 0..i)
assert_eq!(squares_smaller_than::<10>(16), [0, 1, 4, 9]);


std: derives the Error trait for the error types.
alloc: enables conversion of the array section into Vecs and Boxed slices.


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