#actix-middleware #middleware #actix #clean #redirect #uri #necessary


Middleware to clean request's URI, and redirect if necessary

1 stable release

1.0.0 Jun 29, 2020

#20 in #actix-middleware

MIT license

150 lines


Build Crates.io Documentation

Middleware to clean request's URI, and redirect if necessary. See documentation for how to use the library.


Middleware to clean request's URI, and redirect if necessary.

Performs following:

  • Merges multiple / into one.
  • Resolves and eliminates .. and . if any.
  • Appends a trailing / if one is not present, and there is no file extension.

It will respond with a permanent redirect if the path was cleaned.

use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse};

let app = App::new()
    .route("/", web::get().to(|| HttpResponse::Ok()));


~575K SLoC